‘Connect and Engage’ Channel Partners
with the world’s most advanced AI Powered eB2B solution. Expect guaranteed uplift in Monthly Unique SKU and Focus/Premium Product Distribution. Brands such as ITC, Coca-Cola, Mondelez Perfetti, and others have onboarded more than 1 million retailers through our platform. Explore the features and get in touch to understand what AI-powered eB2B can deliver for your organization.
Intelligent Interface
Intelligent search, Text and Voice based order with Multi-Channel Interface across WhatsApp, PWA and Mobile App
Intelligent Product Baskets
ML based hyper personalized, most relevant assortment to maximize
Intelligent Order Prediction
One-Click Order with ML based prediction of ready order in every store visit
Intelligent Engagement
With real-time intelligent Nudges to drive right behavior
Intelligent Integrations & Plug-Ins
Quick Integration with SFA, DMS and third party Plug-Ins for IR, IM, Chat, Payment and Lending etc